A life of overcoming, a life of ceaseless praise, be this thy blessed portion

A life of overcoming,
a life of ceaseless praise,
be this thy blessed portion,
throughout the coming days.
The victory was purchased
on Calv‟ry‟s cross for thee,
sin shall not have dominion,
the Son hath made thee free.

And would‟st thou know the secret
of constant victory?
Let in the Overcomer,
and He will conquer thee!
Thy broken spirit, taken
in sweet captivity,
shall glory in His triumph
and share His victory.

Then from thy life ascending
one triumph note of praise,
(for they who always conquer
a victor‟s song must raise,)
shall echo on unceasing
till Satan‟s host doth flee
before our glorious watchword,
“Lord, victory for me.”

Though all the path before thee
the host of darkness fill,
look to thy Father‟s promise,
and claim the victory still.
Faith sees the heavenly legions,
where doubt sees nought but foes,
and through the very conflict
her life the stronger grows.

More stern will grow the conflict
as nears our King‟s return,
and they alone can face it
who this great lesson learn:
that from them God asks nothing
but to unlatch the door
admitting Him, who through them
will conquer evermore. ......


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